Hog Hunting in Texas

Hog hunting can be challenging, but with no limit, no season and no weapon restrictions, Hog Hunting in Texas is one of most thrilling hunts anyone can do. Wild hogs are among the most adaptive and intelligent animals in the world. Our knowledgeable hunting guides can take you on a hog hunting trip unlike any of you have ever experienced. We use multiple hunting techniques to make your experience one that you will not soon forget.
Texas has the largest population of wild hogs in the country. 2 to 3 million wild hogs are estimated to live in the Lone Star State. They cause millions of dollars of damage to agricultural lands each year. The dense vegetation, agricultural fields, and available water sources our land offers are the preferred habitat of these animals. From 6 months of age and older they can breed two to three times a year. Leaving hog hunters plenty of opportunities to get a shot.

With the large population of wild hogs, and an abundance of land to hunt, at Four County Outfitters we GUARANTEE every hog hunter a shot opportunity. We also will let you shoot as many hogs as you have bullets for, because this hog hunting trip is truly UNLIMITED! There are absolutely no restrictions when it comes to the number or size of hogs you shoot. Just make sure to bring plenty of ammunition. As with all of our hunting trips, coyotes are always able to be shot at any time and bobcats can be taken with a small harvest fee.
Most of our hog hunting takes place from January through May. This is when the seasons change from Winter to Spring, bringing about an abundance of food in the wheat fields. When Spring is in full bloom and all the native vegetation is growing and the temperatures start to warm, we find hogs closer to water sources. This is when we find wild hogs actively roaming and feeding in the large wheat fields.

Hog Hunting Techniques
When you book your Texas hog hunting experience with us, you can expect us to guide you to success using different hog hunting techniques:

Blind Hunts
We run our corn feeders throughout the hunting season to attract all animals looking for a quick meal. Wild hogs are most active later in the day and at night. Our hog hunting guides will drop you off at your hunting blind in the evening for you to wait for your target to arrive. You will be hog hunting out of one of our many box blinds that have been set up around our hunting properties. Most of these hog hunting blinds have feeders nearby that are equipped with motion detecting solar lights, so that hunters can sit well into the prime hunting time for hogs.
Push Hunt
This hog hunting technique is pure adrenaline, as we travel into the hog's lair for a close encounter with these wild beasts. With all senses raised, our hog hunters trek into the bedding areas to find them and flush them out for a chance to harvest one of these beasts. We know that wild hogs are mostly nocturnal, so that means that they are likely bedding down during the daytime. Your hog hunting guide will put you and your group out into these bedding areas to go in and find them. Once you do, then the action is on! A quick reload is necessary, as most hunters get multiple shot opportunities as the hogs make an escape.

For this hog hunting technique, you will need to have some blaze orange; always safety first, a compass or gps, and a gun suitable for hog hunting in the brush. Many hog hunters carry a semi-automatic or lever action gun because getting off that next shot can be crucial to a successful hog hunt. Also, most of the shots taken during this push hunt can be within close quarters, and in some instances a scoped rifle can be difficult to manage. Your gun should be equipped with a red dot sight or a scope with minimal magnification or even iron sights can come in handy while pushing brush.

"Road Hunt"
Not actually the outlaw style of road hunting, but a different hog hunting technique. Here we travel to the numerous properties where landowners have given us permission to harvest hogs. These are mostly open farmlands where we can spot and stalk the hogs. Once we spot them on one of these properties, we will get the wind in our favor, then the stalk is on! We have used many hog hunting techniques to get close to these wild pigs to make a high percentage shot.
For instance: walking through a wooded area adjacent to the field where hogs are feeding, using the landscape to hide and stalk up, using the low setting sun at our backs to avoid hogs looking our way and even picking up one of the many blowing tumble weeds to take cover behind. We try to leave nothing on the table when it comes to helping the landowners to get rid of their hog problem.
Night Hunting
We deploy many of the hog hunting techniques above when hunting hogs at night, road hunting, spot and stalk, and blind hunting. The hunter is responsible for bringing their own night vision equipment, lights, IR, or thermal. Additionally, we are a dealer for Sniper Hog Lights and will have some inventory at the hunting lodge for you to choose from if you're looking to go night hunting for the first time. If you are an experienced night hunter, with the proper equipment, let one of our hog hunting guides take you out for the night to see what is lurking in the dark. This is the time when wild hogs are most active and when hunting can produce a lot of action for the hunter.

If you're just getting into hunting or have years of experience, hunting wild hogs at Four County Outfitters is for everyone. With abundant numbers of them and the expanse of land we have access to hunt, we guarantee our hunters a shot opportunity. You will be hooked on this hunting experience, so be sure to bring along some friends and family.
Texas Hog Hunting Season
Texas Hog Hunting Season
(Year Round)
Although Feral Hogs have an open season, the best time to hunt these wild animals is Winter through Spring. During this time of hunting season, we book most of our hog hunts. This is also the time of year when they are most active, and anyone seeking a hog only hunt should book their hunt. Our temperatures are usually the coldest of the year, ranging from the 60s to the teens in February. Spring weather usually hits us about mid-March and the temperatures will start rising into the 80s and 90s by April, which begins the growing season for many of the native plants. This is time when the wildlife is drawn out of their winter homes to take advantage of the abundance of fresh food to forage.

Hog Hunting Gear
No Texas Hunting License is needed to harvest hogs. But if you want to shoot varmints and predators then the 5 Day-Non-Resident Special License will be needed.
Hunter's Safety Certification (if needed)
Ice Chest (large enough for your quartered game)
Choice of Weapon
Camouflage Face Mask or Head Net
Rain Gear: Parka/Jacket
Camouflage Insulated Jacket
Camouflage Insulated Pants
Mud boots
Texas Hog Hunting Packages

Texas Hog Hunting Packages Include:
Unlimited hogs (Remember to bring plenty of bullets)
2- or 3-day hunt (day or night, Bring Your Own Night Vision) NO Limits/No Restrictions
Dinning (B, L, D, No alcohol, BYOB)
2 day $1,099
3 day $1,495, additional days $300/Day (GUARANTEED Shot Opportunity)
Fall Hog/Duck Combo (Fully-Guided) 3 Days $1,995
Spring Hog/Turkey Combo (Semi-Guided) 3 Days $1,850
Inquire about Sandhill Crane Combo Hunt