Texas Whitetail Deer Hunting

Our Texas Whitetail Deer Hunting packages will give you the opportunity to seek out a trophy whitetail buck you will be proud to hang on your wall. Our whitetail deer hunting trips have yielded high success rates for our hunters over the past 20 years. Although we hunt many different animals, our “bread and butter” is chasing big Texas whitetail bucks. When you book your whitetail deer hunting trip, you will soon find out that our proven deer hunting methods and experience will give you the opportunity to harvest the trophy whitetail buck of your dreams.
Throughout the history of our Texas whitetail deer hunting outfit, we have kept our philosophy much the same as what made us successful in the beginning, keep it simple. Simplicity is what you should expect when hunting whitetail deer with us. Do not expect to have a rigorous hunting schedule to keep. Although the best deer hunting times are usually early in the morning and later in the afternoon, we understand that this whitetail deer hunting trip is a vacation for you. We are ready to handle any situation that makes your time here more comfortable and maximizes your whitetail deer hunting experience. Hunt all day/everyday, take a break at lunch, hunt only in the morning, hunt only in the afternoon, sleep in and don’t hunt at all, or whatever.…we want our clients to feel right at home here, to help make things simple.

Whitetail Deer Hunting Trips

Our whitetail deer hunting trips are set up for you to be able to hunt any mature whitetail buck, 8 points or bigger. To keep it simple, you will not find us measuring your whitetail buck to charge you for every inch of horn that it grew. The mature whitetail buck you will harvest here should be 8 points or bigger and make your heart go “pitter- patter” when you see it! That’s the only expectation we have for our clients when they pull the trigger. As a client you should expect to see a mature whitetail buck to measure anywhere from 115 inches to 170+ inches and be carrying a typical rack from 8 points to 14 or more points.
When you see a whitetail buck that you want to hang on your wall, that’s when you take your opportunity to harvest it. Our whitetail deer hunting guides do not sit with the clients to tell them which bucks to shoot and which not to shoot. They will, however, give the deer hunters as much information as they need to help them make the right decision for when they pull the trigger.
Here is a general idea of how our client's whitetail deer hunting trips here are usually spent: Arriving the afternoon before the hunt begins, you will be given the opportunity to relax after you settle in from your travels. When you are ready, you can check your gun and shooting abilities at our 200-yard shooting range. Or if you are an archery hunter, we have a variety of targets to hone in your skills at various yardages. After that, your whitetail deer hunting guide will take you on a ride around the Round Timber Ranch to check out some of the scenery and wildlife. That evening, back at the hunting lodge, we will raise your excitement level by showing you recent trail cam pictures of target whitetail bucks that we will be seeking out.

Then we will settle down for a light home-cooked meal that evening. After dinner have a night-cap by the campfire, a game of pool, a card game with your hunting buddies or just relax on one of the couches in front of the big screen TV. But get some rest, you will need it to get your mind right before the whitetail deer hunt the next morning.

The morning of the whitetail deer hunt, you will wake up to a fresh pot of hot coffee and a variety of items for a quick breakfast before leaving the hunting lodge. Packaged snacks will be laid out for you to take with you into the hunting blind as you set out for the morning whitetail deer hunt with your hunting guide. Most deer hunters will be dropped off at the foot of their hunting blind, to avoid getting lost in the dark on the first day. Our rifle hunting blinds are all custom-made hunting blinds, built to withstand the harshest conditions in Texas. Most of these whitetail deer hunting blinds are built for 2 people and will be equipped with 2 comfortable office style chairs and a propane heater to keep you warm on those frosty mornings.
For archery hunting we utilize both ground blinds and ladder stands. For our ground blinds we use Rhino 180 blinds, which have a see-thru mesh to give deer hunters the advantage of being able to see everything going on in front of them, while staying hidden. For our ladder stands we use Family Traditions Tree Stands, hidden away in a tree to give you maximum cover and the comfort to sit all day. As you get settled in your hunting blind, let the anticipation set in as you watch the world wake up around you and the hopes of your trophy dreams awaken. Most of our deer hunters report seeing anywhere from 20-50 different whitetail bucks during their four days of hunting.
After the morning whitetail hunt, most of our deer hunters choose to come back to the hunting lodge for a hot lunch and a nap, or a few games of cornhole or horseshoes. But if you choose to sit out all day, our whitetail deer hunting guides will be ready to cater to your wishes. Those deer hunters that return to the hunting lodge will be taken back out that afternoon to their hunting blind for the evening whitetail hunt. We do not plan out your entire whitetail deer hunting trip before you arrive. We will continuously adjust our strategy to ensure every deer hunter has the highest possibility of success. All our whitetail deer hunters will hunt from multiple blinds on one or all our hunting ranches.

After you bag your whitetail buck, your hunting guide will assist you with the “work part” of the hunt. Tracking, dragging, dressing, and tagging are all the things your whitetail deer hunting guide will be able to help you with while in the field. We love taking trophy photos of you with your harvest in the field, so be prepared with a hunter's smile to capture the memories. If you bring your own coolers to take the meat back with you, we have freezers on site to get your meat ready to travel. Your whitetail deer hunting guide can then assist you with the breaking down of your most recent harvest.
Or if you choose, Bayco’s Meat Processing in Seymour can transform your wild game meat in a variety of different tasty ways. Or they can prepare simple cuts to package, and ship frozen to your door. Any meat wanting to be donated will not go to waste, as we have several local families that will gladly accept any of our wild game harvests.
Local taxidermy is also available through Shumate Taxidermy in Seymour. For many years Greg Shumate and Four County Outfitters have had a close working relationship. Greg and his wife Sherry take extra special care of our clients, offering them expedited mounting for their trophies taken at Four County Outfitters. In many cases clients' mounts are delivered to their final resting place on our way to a hunting show.
Our hopes are for you to take a whitetail buck that you will be proud to display on your wall and tell your friends and family that this buck is a real Texas trophy from Four County Outfitters!
Texas Whitetail Hunting Season

Texas Whitetail Hunting Season (Early)
(October 1 - Early November)
We open our bookings for the hunting season with Archery Whitetail, Dove, Ducks, and Quail. The weather during this part of the hunting season usually starts out hot. While we expect cooling trends toward the end of this time; in September, our temperatures usually stay under 100 degrees and get down in the 60s on cool days late in the month. This is when the cold northern air starts to push in. The month of October, when the archery only whitetail hunting season begins, the weather starts to cool while the big game hunting heats up.
Temperatures can still reach into the 90s but expect mostly cooler weather where temperatures can get down to freezing on rare occasions. This drives the Whitetail Deer, Turkey, and Hogs to our bait sites where they can get an easy meal, creating non-stop action from the view of our hunting blinds.

Texas Whitetail Hunting (Mid-Late Season)
(Early November - Late January)
We open bookings for Rifle Whitetail Hunting during this time. The weather during this time of the year has us seeing cooler temperatures almost every day. Early November, at the start of the general whitetail deer hunting season, we can still see days in the upper 80s, but early morning frosts are more common through the months of November and December. At this time of year, the Winter wheat crops are beginning to grow, making our fields like a shopping mall for wildlife. January starts our cold season and marks the end of the general whitetail deer hunting season.
Temperatures usually range from the 30s to 70s. Snow is uncommon for our region, but we do typically get 6 inches to 12 inches a year, if we’re lucky. A late December whitetail deer hunt can see freezing temperatures in the mornings, along with the occasional frozen ponds and streams.

Whitetail Deer Hunting Gear
Hunter's Safety Certification (if needed)
Ice Chest (large enough for your quartered game)
Choice of Weapon
Camouflage Face Mask or Head Net
Rain Gear: Parka/Jacket
Camouflage Insulated Jacket
Camouflage Insulated Pants
Mud boots
Whitetail Hunting Packages

Whitetail Deer Hunting Packages Include:
5 nights meals and lodging
4 full days of hunting
Semi-guided hunting service - transportation to and from with specific instruction as needed
Dinning - all-inclusive meals and alcohol (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
1 trophy buck, 1 doe, and unlimited coyotes
*Cull Buck extra $500
Rifle Hunting Package: $3,895
Bow Hunting Package: $3,125
Texas Slam Combo Hunting Package
This whitetail hunting package is for the hunter that never wants to stop the hunt just because they tagged out. You’ll never sit around the hunting lodge when you hunt the “Texas Slam Combo” hunting package. With this hunting package you will be able to seek out all the game animals our area has to offer. It is a non-stop hunting adventure, which will give you the opportunity of a lifetime to earn a “Texas Slam” to add to your hunting trophy case.

Once you step out onto our hunting land, you will see why we are so blessed to be able to hunt the ground we do. The abundance of wildlife on our hunting ranches is seemingly endless. If you want a chance to bag as much of that wildlife as possible, then this hunting package is what you are looking for. The “Texas Slam” is the pinnacle of Texas free-range hunting. You will have earned the Texas Slam Award when you successfully harvest a Trophy Whitetail Buck, a Rio Grande Tom Turkey, a Wild Boar Hog, and a Predator of your choosing. But this hunting package doesn’t end there!
When you book this hunting package, you will have the right to harvest up to three whitetail deer. Along with your trophy whitetail buck, you will be allowed one cull buck and one doe. A cull buck should be one with seven points or less, with less than an 18 inch inside spread. In addition to this, you can shoot an UNLIMITED number of hogs. That’s right, no restrictions on the number or size of hogs you can harvest. This hunting package will fill your freezers.
Additionally, we are offering our slam combo hunters the opportunity to harvest ANY legal game animal with this package. This hunting package may include Quail, Dove, Ducks and Sandhill Cranes (the Ribeye of the Sky). And if you book your hunt at the right time of the season, all of these could be available to you. Let our hunting guides show you all that Four County Outfitters has to offer and take-home memories that will last forever. Extra hunting days can be negotiated!
Your hunting options are virtually endless, you can hunt whatever we have in season and your heart desires.

Texas Slam Combo Hunting Packages Include:
5 Nights Meals and Lodging
4 Full days of Hunting
2 Whitetail Bucks (1 trophy, 1 cull)
1 Doe
1 Tom Turkey
1 Bobcat
Unlimited Hogs
Unlimited Coyotes
Ducks, Dove, and Quail (if in season)
Rifle Hunting Package: $4,495
Bow Hunting Package: $3,895